Destin Methodist Women
The Destin Methodist Women get together every 3rd Tuesday at 9:30AM in the Atrium Room for fellowship, spiritual development and mission projects. Each year the Destin UMW give generously of their time and proceeds by planning and hosting Jewelry and Chocolat' Fare and their annual Fall Flair Arts and Crafts Show. We also provide Chemo Kits to help comfort and lift spirits of people battling cancer.

We continue to assemble chemo kits for children and adults undergoing chemo therapy. We appreciate monetary donations toward the purchase of the 12-15 items in each gift bag. (Click Here for items needed).
If you would like to learn more or get involved with this active group of ladies, please call the church at 837-2021 or contact Donna Stiles.

We continue to assemble chemo kits for children and adults undergoing chemo therapy. We appreciate monetary donations toward the purchase of the 12-15 items in each gift bag. (Click Here for items needed).
If you would like to learn more or get involved with this active group of ladies, please call the church at 837-2021 or contact Donna Stiles.